Friday, April 8, 2011
As usual, came to work with no GREAT expectation only wanting for a calm morning...yeah, got it for sure this morning. Talk a bit with K...then, suddenly K went missing. Suddenly she came back & standing right beside me...with her happy tone, she asked me to go into KJ's room. At first, i thot that she was joking, then, i just tag along...Went into KJ's room & he handed me a letter....
"oh, surat...", dlm hati je lah kan...
Bos : Here's yr letter. Pls opened it & here's the calculator....
Hahaha...bos ni...
Me : do i need to open it now...?
Still i opened it lar...& i dont expect much for the bonus...only that i saw i have some increment...yg ni indeed i dont expect at all...
Bos : what is your expectation?
Me: errr....i didnt expect anything...just that, the increment...
Cakap terang je lar...& dgn selamba nye...hahaha
Bos : ya...
& then, he started explaining % lar, rating lar, KPI lar...
ok, i got it...Satisfied? Not satisfied? So-so?...Hmmm....nak kata mende lg, dah company mcm ni kan....
But, from K's explaination, seems that almost every1 get the same percentage. Only that a few, ya, of course...those considered as SUPERBLY OUTSTANDING will be getting a lot more higher than the rest...Dunno lar...seems like SALES always get more than the rest of the people...X paham betul lar
Then, neighbor sebelah aku ni budak AR -, dia dah keje kat sini for quite some time...about 11 years...& he is a years older than me...the thing is, when he went out from boss' room this morning...We all were teasing him...ask him to treat us...etc, etc, etc....But, kesian...his face was "black" & he said : Say no MORE. If you guys talk a lot, i will start shouting!!
Adoi lar...kalo tak dpt bnyk pun, jgn la sampai marah org lain tak bersalah dgn u...ini cuma u dgn company...& cara u tangani mende2 camni..
.U sebagai org yg dah lama kat sini, tunjuk la sikit pro & mature....specially kat depan bebudak baru yg ramai ni...mungkin tak puas hati dgn apa yg dia dapat...Almaklulaa...dah lama kat sini kan...i was in that situation, sabar lar...jgn la kerana 'bahagian diri' awak tu, awak nak marah org lain...Masya-Allah....kesian pun ade...aku as a neighbor, diamkan je mcm ni, bukannye leh dilayan sgt bila tengah marah...
Cheers! :-)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Mulut Laser kah aku...?
This story started yesterday, about a fren in the office. Consider gud fren coz we used to hang out together - mostly during lunch time & occasionally during weekend for shopping / movies. Well...she's single, of course most of her time are for herself.
Like usual, me & K were chatting on some things - making fun of each other, etc, etc, etc....Then, K popped up with "eh...D ada mulut masin...whatever she said, mesti jadi one..." Then, i got an idea that if i ask her to say things to me - which i wanted to get twins, so, maybe "the mulut masin" is really going to happen! was a foolish idea, so, i called her. We were about 3-4 rows gap. I called her and asked her to do so...wanna know what she said? "X nak...x nak...tapi nak cakap K dapat twins..." Then, she started to shout from her desk (of course everyone heard what she said) "K dpt twins...K dpt twins...!" Every1 was freaking out including A. I think A knows that K wont be getting twins & jokingly he said,"If it's true that it is gonna be twins. I'll belanja every1 nasi lemak..." OMG! Everyone became chaotic coz it's hard for A to treat us with even a single sweet....Hahahaha....then, a few others started pushing A for the treat...Poor him! The thing is...the 1 who shouted was not from his division & those who pushed him for the treat are also not from his team. It's wrong! To me, it's shameless....asking for a treat not from yr own boss / ppl from other division...funny & pity him...After talking to K about this (of course K felt really bad), i asked her to asked A if he wanted me to help him buy the nasi lemak. He refused twice! In fact, he asked his staff to go & buy....
So, this morning we had nasi lemak (habis my diet for today...arrgghhh!)& i found out that A's staff did bought the nasi lemak with the right quantity & she claimed as per budgeted = RM2 for each pack. Whereby, actually only < than 1/2 of the packets contain fried egg, the rest only contain boiled egg. Both cost < than RM2!
X baik betul lar...& cukup memalukan yg buat tu is orang Islam ke atas bukan Islam...x baik lar...!
So, this morning, i bought some nice currypuff nearby my house. THou it's small, but the taste is also nice. Just saje bagi diorang rasa & makan together lar...
& tadi, i told D, "bad girl...", while smiling...wah! Air muka berubah & marah...but, she didnt say anything...
Anyway, it's true! Because of her, other peoples feeling bad & some people belanja org with less heartedly...hahahah...ada ke perkataan tu...alaa...>< kurang ikhlas lar...kan ke tak bagus?
By the way, D...
you are already 30 years old. U should have grown up! Think first before u say anything to others... Sendiri mau pk lar...if sendiri boleh main ckp lepas je, of course lar u kene terima apa saja kritikan org lain... :-P
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Kalori itu tenaga...tenaga itu dari tu dari yg kite duk telan tiap2 hari tu ler...tak kira lar drinks ke or food...ingat drinks takde kalori ke? Adaaaaaa......
Tapi, kalo kite terlebih makan, tenaga dari food pun terlebih juga...bila berlebih, body akan simpan stok tenaga ni dalam bentuk FAT untuk kegunaan masa akan datang...
Bayangkan lar hari2 kita simpan stok...ibarat nak simpan during winter...hehehe...masa tu kan kene hibernate...adeh lar...
Haaa...macam tu jugak lar aku...suke makan specially manis...sweet tooth ler katakan...sebab tu muka manis...kehkehkeh! Perasan kejap....
Meh sini nak stori-mori pasal kalori dalam food. Antaranya :
Yummy! Camne lar teh tarik mamak neh leh jadi sedap...kalori : 83kal utk segelas kecil...gandakan lar kalo dah mintak, "Mamak...! Teh Tarik gelas besar satuuu...!"
Perrgghh!!! Lemak & bersari...ada pedasnya, ade lemak brekpes biasa bg orang Mesia dr zaman tok nenek kita lagi dah....not so long time ago, orang boleh beli nasi lemak pagi2...lama2 banyak pulak...macam cendawan tumbuh di pagi hari lepas ujan malam tadi...kat tepi2 jalan memang berlambak giler! Pendek kata, keluar jek umah, jalan kaki sikit mesti ada terjumpa makcik2 or cik kak2 tengah jual nasi lemak...yang penentu kesedapan nasi lemak ni cuma a)cukup lemak ke idak nasinya b)sambal yang cukup power! Zaman sekarang ni lagi lar...bukan takat pagi jerk leh dapat...sepanjang masa ada beb! 24 hours a day 7 days a week...Bila2 teringin nak makan nasi lemak, p lah carik...mesti jumpa...pagi ke, siang ke, petang ke, malam ke, awal pagi berembun ke, mesti ada lah...
Haa...yang ni kalorinya :
Nasi lemak sahaja = 644kal = dah bersamaan dengan 3 bowls of rice
Kalo tambah ayam goreng = 644kal + 290kal = 934kal!
Ni untuk breakfast sahaja...adei lar...
Cukup lar takat neh...nanti sambung lagi...aku yang tulis, aku sendiri pun gerun bila baca balik...haaa...baru tau! Dulu degil! Tak mo dengar cakap mak...sekarang baru nak kelam kelibut cari info pasal diet, kalori, ntah hape lagi lar...esok lah sambung... :-)
Tapi, kalo kite terlebih makan, tenaga dari food pun terlebih juga...bila berlebih, body akan simpan stok tenaga ni dalam bentuk FAT untuk kegunaan masa akan datang...
Bayangkan lar hari2 kita simpan stok...ibarat nak simpan during winter...hehehe...masa tu kan kene hibernate...adeh lar...
Haaa...macam tu jugak lar aku...suke makan specially manis...sweet tooth ler katakan...sebab tu muka manis...kehkehkeh! Perasan kejap....
Meh sini nak stori-mori pasal kalori dalam food. Antaranya :
Yummy! Camne lar teh tarik mamak neh leh jadi sedap...kalori : 83kal utk segelas kecil...gandakan lar kalo dah mintak, "Mamak...! Teh Tarik gelas besar satuuu...!"
Perrgghh!!! Lemak & bersari...ada pedasnya, ade lemak brekpes biasa bg orang Mesia dr zaman tok nenek kita lagi dah....not so long time ago, orang boleh beli nasi lemak pagi2...lama2 banyak pulak...macam cendawan tumbuh di pagi hari lepas ujan malam tadi...kat tepi2 jalan memang berlambak giler! Pendek kata, keluar jek umah, jalan kaki sikit mesti ada terjumpa makcik2 or cik kak2 tengah jual nasi lemak...yang penentu kesedapan nasi lemak ni cuma a)cukup lemak ke idak nasinya b)sambal yang cukup power! Zaman sekarang ni lagi lar...bukan takat pagi jerk leh dapat...sepanjang masa ada beb! 24 hours a day 7 days a week...Bila2 teringin nak makan nasi lemak, p lah carik...mesti jumpa...pagi ke, siang ke, petang ke, malam ke, awal pagi berembun ke, mesti ada lah...
Haa...yang ni kalorinya :
Nasi lemak sahaja = 644kal = dah bersamaan dengan 3 bowls of rice
Kalo tambah ayam goreng = 644kal + 290kal = 934kal!
Ni untuk breakfast sahaja...adei lar...
Cukup lar takat neh...nanti sambung lagi...aku yang tulis, aku sendiri pun gerun bila baca balik...haaa...baru tau! Dulu degil! Tak mo dengar cakap mak...sekarang baru nak kelam kelibut cari info pasal diet, kalori, ntah hape lagi lar...esok lah sambung... :-)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Aku Jatuh Chentaaaaa...........! :-D
Monday, March 14, 2011
DInner @ ??? in Carrefour Shah Alam
at last, 1 carrefour dibuka di shah;s in section 23 next to LKSA highway...hmmm...last nite p beli fruits untuk today's supply...suke p sana sbb tak pack with people...pastu carrefour dia quite big + ada brg yg tak jumpa kat carrefour subang jaya... :-)
anyway, am not going to storytell about carrefour actually...but, it;s 1 of the cafe in there which holds the motto : cozy & delicious...seating arrangement - ok...color : green...tengok from outside : mmg sedap mata memandang/nmpk menarik...owner : bumi...iklan food : nampak nice & delicious...
so, we all pun masuk lar...order, whatever...tunggu...punye tunggu...tunggu...punye tunggu....tak kunjung tiba...cheh!...tgk pekerja cukup ramai...harga : standard cafe lar...tengok process ambil order what-so-ever : cepat...tapi, food lambat giler!...adeh! Ingatkan sampai tu hot & nice yg hot cuma ayam goreng...the rest of the order semua sejuk! cucur udang sejuk...kuah kacang sejuk...nasi lemak sejuk....rasa tu so-so je lar...except for the toasted tuna bread...inti mmg sedap...order 1 gelas air suam, tak sampai2...hmmm....
ambiance dah cun tp order ambil masa terlampau lama...tengok table lain pun sama gak...kedai bumi ni mmg kene improve lg...kalau order food sampai cepat, mesti kedai dia penuh... :-)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
oh facebook ku...
ku kepingin menatap wajah mu
bagaikan ada lambaian tangan mu
bersama hembusan angin bayu...
meniup lembut ke telingaku...
oh syahdu...
oh facebook ku...
bukan sekadar menitip khabar diriku
ku juga menatap titipan teman2ku
bukan itu sahaja facebook ku...
aku ketagihan farmville...haru!
oh facebook ku...
sanggup ku toleh pergi dr movies faberet ku
sanggup ku bertahan tidak menyuap nasi brg sesudu
sanggup ku tidak bersiram d kamar mandi biruku
sanggup ku menahan mata dari beradu...
mcm ni mmg boleh jd haru biru...huhuhuhu
sekian tulisan ku yg agak sengal2 kalbu...:-)
Hehehe...salam...ini bukan ziarah apa2...just ke puchong melawat ibu mertua yg sekarang tinggal dgn akak ipar...sambil tu abg menghantar kiriman minyak itam + spare parts kete untuk Andak...bnyk betul dia beli minyak itam, sampai 3 botol...
Keluarga yang loud & noisy tp kadang2 aku x berapa suka bila mulut depa ni celupar...tak semua adik beradik lar...just beberapa kerat yg mcm, macam biasa...aku bersembang serba sedikit dgn mentua tp mata kejap2 tengok tv... :-)
actually mata mengantuk sbb layan tv sampai pagi...hahahaha....
Friday, March 11, 2011
Dah Lama Kan...?
Yes...dah lama aku tak bukak this blog...sebabnya? aku lupa password...hahahah....well, hrtu ada orang hack aku nye hotmail akaun...since this blog pun link to that email, aku takleh nak login...almost stopped trying to find way to log in, at last...i manage to! Aaaaaaaaa.........yey! Dpt masuk balik...hehehe...
Today is the last day of, idlan & isyraf sekarang tengah fighting kat depan...main game lar ape lagi...darling? Darling p makan2 best kan Restoran Chan @ section 15....hmmm...makan best aje pakcik tu...makin tembam lar jadinye...huhuhuhu...
Aku kat sini cuba nak update blog;s 1 of my resolutions...while waiting for maghrib to come, why not update...kena mula from somewhere...kalau tak, mmg susah!
Today is the last day of, idlan & isyraf sekarang tengah fighting kat depan...main game lar ape lagi...darling? Darling p makan2 best kan Restoran Chan @ section 15....hmmm...makan best aje pakcik tu...makin tembam lar jadinye...huhuhuhu...
Aku kat sini cuba nak update blog;s 1 of my resolutions...while waiting for maghrib to come, why not update...kena mula from somewhere...kalau tak, mmg susah!
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